ARTtalks 17.11. - 19.11 2023
ARTtalks 17.11.2023
Where to with all the data? ?
Where to with all the art?
Where to with all the artists?
Josh Baer, The Baer Faxt in conversation with Daniel Hug, Art Director, ART COLOGNE (in English)
Images as a means of self-exploration
ARTtalks 18.11.2023
New Acquisitions – Collector talk: private collections, corporate collections and public institutions in dialogue
New Acquisitions – Artist talk: Franz Ackermann in the LBBW Collection
Going South... Travelling to art. Biennials at the intersection of tomorrow (in English)
ADKV-ART COLOGNE award for art associations and ADKV-ART COLOGNE award for art criticism 2023
Gaffel Design Glass Award with barrel tapping.
The New Vodoo. Spiritualism in art, yesterday and today
ARTtalks 19.11.2023
Archiv Kunst. Über (Kunst-)Bücher als zeitlose Wissensspeicher.
Global Hub Kunstmarkt. Über die richtigen und wichtigen Kanäle des Kunstkaufs.